Friday, January 1, 2010

Growing Trust - Day 1, Inspiration a Day

Ok, I had no idea how to change the name of the poster. But this is Kitty posting Ricks inspiration of the day. :)
I know we are really late on this, and it might not be a real 365 but we just wanna share a little of our inspiration of the day. :)

Ricks' project will be a little different.
He's not gonna post a daily photo, but an inspiration a day.


building your business starts from trust. it's the main key of any relationship. it takes time to grow one trust. build it, and you will get something in return.


  1. that's great kitty - I think it's something similiar to my project E! enjoy your weekend,

  2. Rick that is an awesome concept love how you visualized it with the match! :) Love the new blog Kitty and Rick!
